1 11 2015

Heart Hands Silhouette

Unconditional Love

Ever hear of it?  It’s elusive at best.  You’re supposed to give it to Family, Friends, Lover’s and all humanity; in equal doses.  The only thing about that is:  If you’re not giving it to yourself, you can’t give it out to anyone else.  Surely there must be some sort or guide or example of what we could follow in our quest to ‘clean up our act’?

The Model Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, as found in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 9-13 has often been called the, “Model Prayer.”  We know that a model is a template.  It can be utilized as a basic format, an outline for unique content that follows along the same lines.  As we enter into the yearly equinox with its changing season; let us consider this model:

Our Father, who is right here within each of us: Holy, is Your name and not a prefix or suffix to our ranting’s.

Your unquestionably right way of perceiving things; the Kingdom; is coming.

Your will, will be done: Cutting through all of the ugly stuff flying around on earth as it is (first)… flying around inside of our heads.

Give us this day our daily ability to do it better.

Forgive/Release us from our injustices, as we forgive/release those who are unjust to us.

Lead us…  Not into being tempted {by the crazy junk we see all around us}, but deliver us from the {crazy junk we Do get involved with} evil.

For Your way of doing things is the Kingdom;

Your merciful, miraculous interventions into our madness is the Power;

and Your loving providence of Grace, even when we don’t deserve it, is the Glory,

forever (we can always count on You) …and ever.  Amen

About the author:

Rev. Corliss Acosta: A hard-headed minister of Christ Jesus who observes and shares (outside the box). Operating according to Spiritual Gifts of: Teacher, Evangelist, Prophetic words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge, Spiritual Discernment and Prayer Warrior/Intercessor.   Just as those that came aeons before; often the message and messenger is rejected.  However, knowing that if just one is enlightened; then to God be the glory. Be Blessed!

©The Lightkeeper  

Swap Meet

25 06 2013

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.”

Ecclesiastes 11:1 KJV/Amplified

  • Don’t hold back.
  • Let go of the “good stuff.”
  • Never calculate giving as a loss.
  • Give your very best.
  • Don’t even give it another thought.
  • Happily and spontaneously, “Make someone else’s day.”
  • When you least expect it, your giving comes back to you again.

[Then Peter said:] “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I to thee…

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”  Acts 3:6 KJV

Food for thought: Mark 4:24 and Matthew 7:2

Can you afford to give three minutes and thirty-nine seconds for a fabulous song? Then click the hyper link, sit back and enjoy

 “Giving you the best that I’ve got…” By Artist: Miss Anita Baker


Uploaded on YouTube by LikeNew09 and brought to you by the nice folks at BET.  Enjoy and as always,

Be Blessed!

The Light Keeper

Indie Jesus

29 05 2013

There is a stark contrast going on between what we read of our Lord Jesus in Scripture as opposed to what is marketed about Him.                             Here at TN Lighthouse Ministries, that has been our main focus: Dispensing with the hype and seeking out a deeper understanding through the Word of God.

We see the Lord Jesus as someone who would today be called an “Indie” or independent thinker. Ever notice how HE didn’t fit the mold and seek to join the religious institutions of His time? For example:

10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”  Matthew 9:10-13 NIV

Sadly, just as in Jesus’ day, many of the hierarchical, fraternal or ‘Mom and Pop’ institutions being run today bear little resemblance to what our Lord reveals to us throughout the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible. Today, our Lord Jesus would be considered an “Indie”…“Independent” or itinerant preacher and teacher. Some have even called Him a Revolutionary since Jesus’ teachings expanded on the Pentateuch [the first five books of the Bible (a.k.a) the Laws of Moses/Mosaic Law]. Not only that, but as we see in the passage above, He lived what he preached. Will we too be as brave?

Prayer:  “Lord Jesus, let us not be controlled by people-pleasing, but strengthen us to fearlessly do Your will                                       in the earth this day.” Amen

Be Blessed!
The Light Keeper

Credits: Painting by the artist, David LaChapelle, “Jesus Is My Homeboy” 2003; Bible Quotes by the good folks at http://www.Biblegateway.org

Carried Away

26 04 2012
Carried Away

Carried Away

Ever hear the phrase “Don’t get carried away?”

Lately, the idea of someone being ‘carried away’ has been a recurring theme during counseling sessions. It’s almost of epidemic proportions; striking people in their 30’s and even their 60’s. Perhaps the state of being ‘carried away’ is happening in your life too. Let’s look at that for a moment:

Being a ‘Boomer’ (thank-you-very-much), we used to call people who easily get ‘carried away,’ with wild schemes, dreams, and imaginations; those that chased after rainbows, but were seldom on time for work or a promised meet-up… we called them: “Shaky and/or Flakey.” My personal preference was to utilize the adjective, Shaky.

These were the folks that earnestly assured us: “Soon as I hit the Lotto, I’m going to get my guitar out of hock (pawn shop) and get the band back together!” In our teens and early 20’s we sat on the sidelines nodding and responding with, “okay, that’ll be cool,” while we shuffled off to cram for exams, or to work the next day, or to do a load of laundry. Time marched on and we did the mundane, unglamorous tasks; we settled in to make sock puppets for the kids, joined the PTA or a local Church for the benefit of our families. We became “Square” just like most of our parents (EeeK!).

Its’ natural to stop and take stock of the direction of life (on planet earth) as you slide into middle years (30’s, 40’s). Sadly, many people who got carried away in youth become anxious and make drastic decisions that essentially blame someone (other than themselves) for the sum total of their lives up until now: It’s my Father/Mother’s fault; I married the wrong woman/man; I picked the wrong profession; the wrong place to live; or the wrong car, etc.

Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones (m’Boy!) sang: “I can’t git no… Sa-tiz-fac-shun’….But I try and I try, and I try, and I try… but I can’t git no… No, no, no… hey, hey, hey… that’s what I say…!”

By the way: This type of thinking is the root cause of sickness. It opens the door of invitation to sickness and disease (Dis-Ease, Dis-satisfied). Dissatisfaction is a destructive force, a powerful weapon that Satan uses to fulfill his mandate, which is ALWAYS to: Kill, steal and destroy.

How many famous people have had all the money, fame, and privileges in their lives, only to be found anguished, tortured and empty at the end of their days? They had all the trappings of success, but only God can give ‘good’ success; any other kind is simply an empty shell; a lie.

But I try and I try…” Okay, perhaps that’s the problem right there; stop trying. That is correct: Stop Trying! Puleeze people; give it a rest, why don’cha? You see, ‘Shaky’ has a new plan-per-minute and they all involve running to and fro; becoming carried away captive by one thing or person after another as the new ‘big answer’ to all their ‘Shaky’ problems. When that doesn’t work; they drop it and run to the next ‘Shaky’ plan, situation or partner.

Being ‘Shaky’ afflicts more people than we’d imagine. Sometimes, it just takes longer to see the results of a ‘Shaky’ outlook and lifestyle if the person is wealthy: in money and in friends. This was the main situation in the Bible story about The Prodigal Son. Luke 15:11-32

What God’s word says about being ‘Shaky’

A little sleep, a little slumber; a little folding of the hands to sleep and so shall your poverty creep up upon you and overtake you. Proverbs 24:33

Look to the ant you sluggard… Proverbs 6:6

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 (The purest definition of ‘Shaky’).

Sin crouches at the door. Genesis 4:6-7

Folly (Foolishness) calls to you from the doorway like a wanton woman, beckoning you to come in for a while. Proverbs 9: 13-14

What God’s word says about Steadfastness

“Be anxious for nothing (no thing), but by prayer, and supplication (earnest pleading) with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto GOD and the peace of God which passes ALL understanding will keep your heart (guard your heart) and mind (guard your mind) in Christ Jesus (as a safe deposit).” Philippians 4:6-7 (in context read: Phil. 4: 4-8)

“…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord…”Joshua 24:15 {Joshua stood up to the ‘Shaky’ folks surrounding him. In fact, Joshua had spent forty years dealing with a bunch of knuckle-heads who threw Moses and God under-the-bus at every wind of challenge and temptation}. The book of Joshua is highly recommended reading.

Obtaining Steadfastness through Christ

“Cast all of your care upon Him, because He cares for you…” I Peter 5:7

“If your heart is single, than your eye (what you focus upon) will be single…” (Setting our hearts desire upon whatever our Heavenly Father wants for us) Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:34

“I know my heart and plans for you. My plans for you are not evil, but good, to give you a future and a hope…” Jeremiah 29:11

Still not sure what God wants for your life? Just ask Him. Take off your ‘Shaky’ running shoes, sit down, get quiet before Him; ask Him and wait for the answer. You may as well wait; since without His direction for your life, you won’t have ‘good’ success anyway.

Jesus speaks to our ‘Shaky’ little hearts: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”  Rev. 3:20

AMEN.      Be Blessed!