1 11 2015

Heart Hands Silhouette

Unconditional Love

Ever hear of it?  It’s elusive at best.  You’re supposed to give it to Family, Friends, Lover’s and all humanity; in equal doses.  The only thing about that is:  If you’re not giving it to yourself, you can’t give it out to anyone else.  Surely there must be some sort or guide or example of what we could follow in our quest to ‘clean up our act’?

The Model Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, as found in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 9-13 has often been called the, “Model Prayer.”  We know that a model is a template.  It can be utilized as a basic format, an outline for unique content that follows along the same lines.  As we enter into the yearly equinox with its changing season; let us consider this model:

Our Father, who is right here within each of us: Holy, is Your name and not a prefix or suffix to our ranting’s.

Your unquestionably right way of perceiving things; the Kingdom; is coming.

Your will, will be done: Cutting through all of the ugly stuff flying around on earth as it is (first)… flying around inside of our heads.

Give us this day our daily ability to do it better.

Forgive/Release us from our injustices, as we forgive/release those who are unjust to us.

Lead us…  Not into being tempted {by the crazy junk we see all around us}, but deliver us from the {crazy junk we Do get involved with} evil.

For Your way of doing things is the Kingdom;

Your merciful, miraculous interventions into our madness is the Power;

and Your loving providence of Grace, even when we don’t deserve it, is the Glory,

forever (we can always count on You) …and ever.  Amen

About the author:

Rev. Corliss Acosta: A hard-headed minister of Christ Jesus who observes and shares (outside the box). Operating according to Spiritual Gifts of: Teacher, Evangelist, Prophetic words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge, Spiritual Discernment and Prayer Warrior/Intercessor.   Just as those that came aeons before; often the message and messenger is rejected.  However, knowing that if just one is enlightened; then to God be the glory. Be Blessed!

©The Lightkeeper  


26 12 2011
Miss Janet Jackson

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

“What Have You Done For Me Lately?” Miss Jackson made that question the most popular one posed to date through her hit album Rhythm Nation, with the assist of writer/producer dynamic duo: Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. Grammy awards were given out in plenty.

How can we give the Lord a Grammy for what He does for us every minute of every day? The answer: Praise. That’s right, Praise Him; give thanks to Him and for Him; for He is good, and His mercy endures forever! That’s what we read in Psalm 136:1 and Psalm 107:1. Here is just a small example how Praising God worked out in a very big way: My Uncle is 84, a retired Barber, a left-side stroke victim, and newly diagnosed cancer patient who along with my Aunt, a retired nurse with many years of deep muscle and bone damage (lifting heavy patients for 35 years); both on a tight fixed income; called me to ask for prayer: Their old car had just died, leaving them with many doctor appointments and no means of transportation in the suburbs of New Jersey.

By phone in Tennessee, I began to pray right then and there. The Holy Spirit lifted that prayer, having me to speak out the power and love of God, the words of promise and comfort of help found only in the word of God. When we concluded that prayer, we all felt lifted, encouraged and at peace; although nothing on the outside had changed (the car was still dead and they still did not have any money –me either). However, there was a big change for us all; deep down on the inside. We were renewed in our faith. I encouraged them to do what the word tells us in Psalm 150-“Praise ye the Lord.”

I asked them both to speak only blessings and positive pronouncements over their situations: “Say what you DO want to happen; and not the opposite.” We can read all about faith in the whole book of James. It’s all about faith and those who ‘walk by faith and not by sight.’ II Corinthians 5:7

Back to my Uncle and Aunt: Within days, men and women came to them saying they just had a ‘feeling’ that they should get in touch with them. The result: They missed very few doctor appointments. Then someone suggested a lady in car sales. This lovely woman was moved to compassion; took their old dead car in trade; sold them a lightly used car and even picked them up from their home to come to the dealership and sign the papers. The car is better than they could have ever afforded and has all the bells and whistles; a sunroof; keyless lock entry and great gas mileage. It’s a ‘hot’ little car and just right for zipping them around town. They were ecstatic. See Ephesians 3:20 about “More than you could ask or imagine.” That’s just how our God does what He does—all the time.

Then, the American Cancer Society ‘just happened’ to mail them a food voucher for $300.00. Finally, my Uncles’ estranged son showed up with a Christmas card with a crisp $100 dollar bill inside. This was his first visit to his Father’s home in over eight years. Prayer changes things. So, “What has He done for me lately?” God is worthy of our praise even if He never did another thing for us. HE paid it all on the cross of Calvary. All we need do is receive it by Faith. Don’t we just love how He loves us? Hallelujah! Be Blessed. Contact Lighthouse Ministries for prayer and counseling.