And So It Goes (In Memorium)

6 06 2013

Pastor William Borieo, Director and founder of Ambassador Fellowship International; the spiritual Father of The Light Keeper; our mentor and our friend has passed from this life.

We send our love to his beautiful wife, lovely daughter, many family and friends all over the world (especially his ministry partners in El Salvador).

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

New International Version (NIV)

Our spiritual Father, Pastor Bill Borieo

Our spiritual Father, Pastor Bill Borieo

Believers Who Have Died

13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of humanity, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

And so, as we see the time approaching of the coming of our Lord, we continue our labor of love in the earth with “Pastor Bill” as our very good example.

Be Blessed!

The Light Keeper

What Are You Waiting for? Get Going!

2 06 2013

Now I Lay me down to sleep...”

How many human beings would love the luxury of a good nights sleep, but cannot due to: The ravages of sickness and disease; perhaps sleepless nights keeping watch in the midst of their war-torn communities; or as traumatized victims of weather and climatic upheavals rendering them homeless.

“… I pray the Lord my soul to keep…”

Wallace in 1975, three years after he was paralyzed in an assassination attempt. In his later years, Wallace reached out to civil rights activists and black churches to ask forgiveness.

Not widely reported outside of his home state, but Governor George Wallace; the radically racist Governor of Alabama (circa 1960’s); repented and spent his last days in philanthropic endeavors inclusive of all-Black Churches whose members came to forgive,  love and accept him as “Just another sinner saved by grace, like the rest of us.”

” If I should die before I wake…”

There are no ‘Do-Over’s

The Psalmist says our lives are as a ‘Vapor’, a mist. We are as delicate and substantive as the morning fog.

We interact with one another in life as members of a grand concert in a huge orchestra.

We take center-stage in our life-solo as the Director and lead performer until we bow out.

Be ‘Awake’ to what is truly your important part in this concerto.

Play it for all you’re worth!

“… I pray the Lord my soul to take…”

Be Blessed!

The Light Keeper

Indie Jesus

29 05 2013

There is a stark contrast going on between what we read of our Lord Jesus in Scripture as opposed to what is marketed about Him.                             Here at TN Lighthouse Ministries, that has been our main focus: Dispensing with the hype and seeking out a deeper understanding through the Word of God.

We see the Lord Jesus as someone who would today be called an “Indie” or independent thinker. Ever notice how HE didn’t fit the mold and seek to join the religious institutions of His time? For example:

10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”  Matthew 9:10-13 NIV

Sadly, just as in Jesus’ day, many of the hierarchical, fraternal or ‘Mom and Pop’ institutions being run today bear little resemblance to what our Lord reveals to us throughout the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible. Today, our Lord Jesus would be considered an “Indie”…“Independent” or itinerant preacher and teacher. Some have even called Him a Revolutionary since Jesus’ teachings expanded on the Pentateuch [the first five books of the Bible (a.k.a) the Laws of Moses/Mosaic Law]. Not only that, but as we see in the passage above, He lived what he preached. Will we too be as brave?

Prayer:  “Lord Jesus, let us not be controlled by people-pleasing, but strengthen us to fearlessly do Your will                                       in the earth this day.” Amen

Be Blessed!
The Light Keeper

Credits: Painting by the artist, David LaChapelle, “Jesus Is My Homeboy” 2003; Bible Quotes by the good folks at

The Bible and Prejudice

18 11 2012

James on Prejudice: Chapter 2: 1-10 Amplified Bible in Italics

From the very first verse of James’ second chapter, he tells us very directly; ‘Don’t even THINK about practicing the faith of Jesus with that kind of snobbery.’

Vs 2 (AKJV) “My brethren, pay no servile regard to people {show no prejudice, no partiality}. Do not [attempt to] hold and practice the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ [the Lord] of glory [together with snobbery]!”

Being born and reared in the shadow of the “City of Brotherly Love,” [that would be Philadelphia, for the uninitiated] with its’ friendliness and famous outspoken ‘directness’ regarding the practice of fairness; I have a special mouthy-activists’ warmth for James and the Book of James.

I’ve often considered that James had a particular level of ‘heat’ with his messages to growing number of Believer’s of Jesus. You see, James was the brother of our Lord Jesus. Many of us already ‘knew’ that… That’s nothing that needs deep research to uncover; in fact, it’s probably at the footnote of any Bible that contains footnotes.

However, James growing up in the household of Joseph and Mary didn’t really have a clue that his older brother, Jesus was the incarnate God-Our-Deliverer; Emmanuel. Perhaps, like most siblings, James didn’t consider his brother, ‘ Ye’shuah’, as anything special one way or the other. Now, our Lord Jesus had more than one sibling; which included at least another brother and definitely a couple of sisters.

It is the Light Keeper’s contention that James was probably the very brother that stood outside of one of Jesus’ earlier meetings with their Mum, Mary, and sent word that they were waiting to have a ‘word’ with him… outside.

Matthew 12:46-50

Amplified Bible (AMP)

46 Jesus was still speaking to the people when behold, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to Him. 47 [a]Someone said to Him, Listen! Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak to You.48 But He replied to the man who told Him, Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?49 And stretching out His hand toward [not only the twelve disciples but all] [b]His adherents, He said, Here are My mother and My brothers .50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother!

Footnotes:Matthew 12:47 Some manuscripts omit verse 47.

 Let’s think about it folks: If you owned a small family business dependent upon manual labor and the oldest kid was gone most of the time, hanging out with twelve of his ‘Buds’ and chatting it up in the local chat room; you’d probably want to have a little talk with him too. In fact, to bring out the ‘big guns’ it would be a good idea to bring ‘Mom’ on board to straighten him out and tell him a thing or two.

Why do we think human nature is so very different in the first century than today? However, that’s another topic for another day. All we’re saying is that James, didn’t believe that Ye’shuah was any more the ‘Son of God,’ and the prophesied Messiah than… pigs could fly!

It is after: After, James hears of the miracles, after he hears about some of the profound things his brother reportedly said, after hearing of the resurrection of Lazarus, but skipping ahead; it is definitely after the crucifixion and His personal resurrection visitation that James believes and understands.

The Book of James is a fabulous book, written by a man who no longer will tolerate life with blinders attached. Here is a man who now ‘sees’ what and whom he had right beside him and available to him every day of his life and he’d missed it, because he wouldn’t open his heart and see his own sibling with love.

Are we following the dictates of society, closing our eyes and hearts to the loving truth all around us? I invite you to take another look at the mighty book of James, the Brother of our Lord Jesus and hear his confident pleadings of one who knows how easy it is to ‘blow a good thing right in front of your face’! All due to preconceived notions… Prejudice.

Until next time and as always, “Be Blessed!”

The Light Keeper is THANKFUL for the reader’s of TN Lighthouse Ministries. Don’t forget, we are available for speaking engagements, weddings, wakes and Bar Mitzvah‘s (okay–maybe not that last part), but you get the idea.

Be sure to comment, we love hearing from you!

And the Horse Died?

26 10 2012

‘And the horse…what?”

One of my ‘crazy’ Uncle’s used to tell an old silly story that he grew up in a town that was so poor that it was…

“A One-Horse town… and the Horse died.” 

Horses have been utilized over time to denote humanity’s wealth, strength, abundance, mobility and ability. Isaiah warns us not to rely on the help and seeming strength of anything other than the Lord. Let’s visit the word and we look forward to hearing what you think about this passage.

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
    who rely on horses,
who trust in the multitude of their chariots
    and in the great strength of their horsemen,
but do not look to the Holy One of Israel,
    or seek help from the Lord. 

Isaiah 31:1 New International Version

At the time of Isaiah’s writing, Egypt was one of the largest and most organized governments known to humanity; therefore the use of their name calls up an image of a high standard to represent man-made governance. Additionally, “horses, chariots and horsemen” are also representative of  well-established military strength.

However, even Egypt had experienced defeats from lesser armies and had sometimes not followed through on pledges to support allied governments during times of war.

Therefore, the Prophet Isaiah is telling us that as the human spirit can be unstable, we need to make the Lord God  our “North Point” on our compass of life. Today, we’d say that the Lord Jesus is our “Default Screen;” so that no matter how many times we are turned on or turned off and even if our systems ‘crash,’ we can know we have a Savior we can trust in and rely upon… The Lord Jesus needs to be our “Start-up as well as our Back-up” plan.

Let us believe along with the Psalmist:

My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.   ~ Psalms 121:2 New International Version

Be Blessed!

Bless the Lord O My Soul

16 10 2012
Bless the Lord !

Bless the Lord !

O Lord You are my God

I will exalt You,

I will praise You name,

For You have done wonderful things;

Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

For You have made a city a ruin,

A fortified city a ruin,

A palace of foreigners to be a city no more;

It will never be rebuilt,

Therefore the strong people will glorify You;

The city of the terrible nations will fear You.

For You have been a strength to the poor,

A strength to the needy in his distress,

A refuge from the storm,

A shade from the heat;

For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against a wall.      Isaiah 25: 1-5     NKJV

The Lord God allowed His servant, the Prophet Isaiah to see in progression, a view to the ‘End of the age’ with it’s destructions and disobedience of humanity in addition to the mighty hand of God’s wrath in response.

Even in the midst of overwhelming visions of things to come, Isaiah knows that God Almighty still makes a refuge for those who love and reverentially fear Him.

I believe this declaration of loving, worshipful praise broke free from the heart of Isaiah just as it did to his predecessor, King David within Psalm 103 (ref. verse 1).

How can we not ‘Bless the Lord’ from the bottom of hearts, from the depths of our soul?

Let us: Magnify the Lord, exalt His name. Our God sits high and looks low, blessing those who love Him with their whole heart. If you don’t know the Lord, you can stop right where you are and ask Him into your heart today.

Let’s Pray:  “Lord Jesus, I ask Your forgiveness. Only You can forgive my sin. I believe you died on the cross for me. Please come into my heart today.” Amen

If you prayed that prayer today, please contact us through the comment line.

Until next time: Please enjoy the music ministry video “Bless the Lord O My Soul” by Myron Butler. This courtesy-sharing is from the good folks at:EMI Gospel (P) (C) 2012 . All rights reserved.    

Click this Link    

‘And as always’… Be Blessed!   The Lightkeeper


24 08 2012

Lighthouse Ministries

Romans 8:38-39                                                                     

-Vs. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, -Vs. 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This morning a man in downtown Manhattan, New York killed a former co-worker, and in the malaise between himself and the responding Police Officers, several other innocent bystanders were shot and wounded.

Let’s roll back the tape a few moments earlier. My daughter was on the phone with me as we chatted and prayed about a decision she needed to make concerning a close acquaintance.

Upon finishing our call, she realized she was running late for her usual morning train into downtown Manhattan. However, she had a “knowing” in her spirit to ‘not rush‘, but instead to ‘be at peace’ with the fact that she’d be a little late to work this morning.

As she emerged from the subway station to the street level, she said there was a kind of quiet in the streets and throughout the standstill crowd that she’d not experienced before; it was eerily quiet.

Arriving a few blocks away to her job, she was immediately informed that there had just been a shooting moments ago. Co-workers were glad to see her safe and sound since all knew her arrival would have been inevitable directly through the zone of the shooting. They were amazed that she hadn’t been in the midst of the shooting frenzy; missing the action by mere minutes.

She quickly called me to assure me that she was safe at work. We praised God and asked His peace upon those who will be receiving tragic news or sustaining injury this day.

We wake up, shower, grab coffee (or whatever) and jump into our day, not truly knowing what lies ahead in the next few moments.

As a baseline for our lives: “Are you fully persuaded?”

If yes; then there is no job that you could lose and have you also lose your sound mind. If yes; then there is no passing of a loved one that could have you lose your sound mind and destroy your own life or that of someone else. If yes; then there is no loss in this world system that can ever be an excuse to act against what you know to be true of your Heavenly Father and His word.

Are you truly… FULLY persuaded?

Let’s Pray: “Heavenly Father, we stop this very moment and once again submit ourselves and our trust to You, Lord Jesus.” Amen

Follow the TN Lighthouse Ministries weekly online Bible Study today. Like us on Facebook and contact us for private Biblical Counseling.  Be Blessed!


15 08 2012

Christian believer’s marrying  unbeliever’s; Christians marrying ‘other-than’ Christians. It’s not a smart move. In fact, it tore apart the Kingdom of the wisest man on earth, Solomon; who indulged in serial-marraiges to unbeliever’s.

This was a ‘Hot Topic‘ discussed on The View due to comments made by Rev. Pat Robertson in answer to a young man contemplating marrying his Muslim girlfriend of three years: “Don’t!”

The women of The View, headed by Barbara Walters and her gal-pals had much to say on this topic. What do you think?

The Apostle Paul told the Christians of Corinth within his second letter to them:

“Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness?”  2 Corinthians 6:14KJV 2000

What’s a yoke? It is a harness that is placed over the heads of two or more farm animals to keep them moving in the same direction at the same pace.

This “fellowship” and “partnership” is not confined solely to marriage as some teach, but emphasizes a variety of relationships and/or bonds of alliances and agreements. The ‘light vs darkness‘ and ‘righteous vs unrighteous‘ refers to two opposing or strivings (differing) points of view.

Bullocks Yoked

Wedding Rings Symbolize Being Yoked Together In Marriage

As Christians, in kindness and respect, we are to “prefer” one another. “Be kindly affectioned  one to another  with  brotherly love;  in honour  preferring  one another…”   Romans 12:10 KJV

This writer has always experienced good success when utilizing the services, skills, and purchasing through ‘acknowledging’ Christians.

For example: Our outdoor faucet (hose bib) cracked and was spewing water (small lake) in the back yard. When our failing efforts came to a close; as Richard Dawson, the original host of The Family Feud would say: And the answer is!” Call the Plumber. We did.

We prayed and opened the phone book. The Ichthys, or “sign of the fish” displayed in his listing was a great hint that he was a Christian Believer too. IchthysPraise God, not only did he keep his scheduled arrival as promised, work expertly, neatly, professionally, and friendly; he did many, many extra’s. Prayers had gone up regarding some ‘other’ needs we had for the yard, but lacked the muscle and/or tools to see to them.

This Christian Plumber took care of our plumbing needs and a few days later came back to take care of our yard ‘wants’ as well. We hadn’t told anyone about what we wanted, but Jesus.

When Dave showed up with the big tools and equipment, did the work with a big smile and refused to charge us a dime for his help; we praised God! Dave was moved only by the Spirit of the Lord. God used him to provide the fulfillment of the desires of our hearts.  Dave is and will be blessed, as will his business.

For the task at hand, we prayed, moved in faith and  ‘yoked’ or attached ourselves into the capable hands of a Christian Believer whom God used for His glory and to the benefit of us all. That is just how completely the Lord Jesus works through The Holy Spirit in the world today.

So: Pray, submit yourself to the will of God in all that you do and before you do whatever it is you need to do… Get it straight with the Lord first. Don’t leave Him out of your plans, alliances, friendships, contracts or any aspect of your life.

This describes what the Lord God told Joshua as he embarked on entering ‘The Promised Land‘ filled with its’ many blessings and many challenges: “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” Joshua 1:8 NKJV

Unevenly yoked in marriage, friendships, partnerships, contracts and alliances? Seek the Lord Jesus in prayer, and study your Bible. HE is the answer to all of our challenges.  Be Blessed!


1 07 2012

Bearing Fruit is seasonal. Bearing fruit happens within an appointed time. After which there is ripeness; which is dependent upon growth; however that can only occur if the plant is able, or has the potential to bear fruit


Ecclesiastes 3:“To ever thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…”   KJV

The above verse lifted from this famous passage of Scripture continues on to describe a variety of times and seasons in life; leaving us to understand that “timing is everything.”

As seen throughout the Bible, the fig tree is representative of various ‘timings’ and forecasts for many of life’s circumstances.

The fig tree represents:

  • Plenty, Potential and Provision
  • Deuteronomy 8:8; I Kings 4:25; Mark 11:13 and Luke 13:7
  •  Warning; (things that are) Uncharacteristic; Untimely; and Out-of-Season
  • Habakkuk 3:17; Joel 1:7; Luke 21:29 and Revelation 6:13
  •  Fear, Destruction and Non-productive
  • Genesis 3:7; Hosea 2:12; Jeremiah 5:17 & 8:13 and Luke 13:7
  •  Rooted and Settled
  • Zechariah 3:10; Isaiah 36:16; Luke 13:6 and Micah 4:4
  •  In-Season and Timeliness
  • Isaiah 34:4; Isaiah 36:16 (again) and Mark 13:28

In Luke 13:7-9, I believe Jesus is allowing us to eavesdrop into the realm of a ‘type’ of conversation between Father-God and Himself (pre-incarnate):

7 Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ 8 but he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. 9 And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that[a] you can cut it down.’  NKJV

If you’ll recall, on other occasions, Father-God became fed-up with humanity continually producing nothing but evil upon the earth and decided to destroy His creation, but He repented (to stop and change direction) as He did with Adam and Eve; Noah and the Ark; the Tower of Babel; Moses and the Israelites in the desert; Sodom and Gomorrah; the city of Nineveh; and many other times too numerous for this small space.

Jesus is mankind’s last hope and the only One standing between sinful, spiritually unproductive; unrepentant humanity and God’s decree of eternal damnation. That’s it folks; that is the bottom-line; everything else is simply a symptom of a bigger condition: Unrepentant sin.

Jesus came to the earth to pay for our sins. HE fertilized around our individual ground-scape with His shed blood; while the Holy Spirit ‘digs’ and tugs at the corners of our heart continually.

Jesus stands ever-ready so that if we confess to Him our sin; repent of our sin and decide to move our scrawny little feeder-roots into the refreshing water of His Word as our Savior (Jesus: the Word made flesh); we can be strengthened; we can be healed; we can be SAVED. The potential is within our grasp.

If doing things ‘your way’ hasn’t been working out… Let’s pray this prayer together:  “Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me; forgive me for forgetting that;   I ask that You wipe my sins away and receive me as your child. I commit myself fully to you.” Amen†

If you prayed with us today, please drop us a line. Be Blessed!


5 04 2012

I'm Adopted

Look at those children over there:  America, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Worldwide.

They are being abused, neglected, brainwashed and tortured. These are criminal acts. The perpetrator must be brought to justice. This madman has been getting away with these crimes against humanity for years and it seems that everyone is powerless to stop him.

In fact, whenever an investigation is called for; the investigators become victims of this cunning criminal; played for fools. Someone has to stand up for these innocent children without surrendering to bribes, threats, or scare tactics; although this thug is known to carry out his threats; even murder.

In the past, many investigators that have sought this Master Criminal for the cause of justice has come back as his paid speaker even defending his heinous actions while using positions of authority to gain support for their corrupted views.

Meanwhile, it is the children who are being slaughtered; enlisted as unwitting puppets against themselves; forced to carry out their own hideous genocide. Due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), some of these victims have sided with their abusers [aka: Stockholm syndrome] and fought against those who would champion their cause.

Diabolical Scheme:

If all of the children of the world hate one another; if all of the officials accept bribes and if people outside the direct zones of attack are made to believe that the perpetrator of these crimes does not exist; then you have a basic outline for the chaos that moves unperceived across the earth by the hand of Satan and his demonic minions.

Dateline Israel:

On a hill far away, was an old rugged cross. This hill was Golgotha; the ‘Place of the Skull.’ This was the skull of Goliath (Yes, “that” Goliath); the inbred evil giant who tried to beat up a little kid named David and usurp the power of the nation of Israel.

When the Israelites buried Goliaths head outside the city walls, the head was so large that the burial site had to be mounded very high; it was a hill. The city gate used to exit toward this hill was where sheep (sorry, but sheep do smell awful) were led in and out of the city. This was known as, The Sheep Gate. Also it was the city dump, just outside of this gate, leading to Golgotha, where you-know-who’s head was buried.

You see, the Israelites were glad Goliath was dead and they were glad that David (who later became King) had killed him; however, there was no way they were going to bury this guy’s head in a place to be venerated. After all, he’d tried to kill the whole town, overthrow the whole army and take over all of Israel as a paid assassin. So, the city dump was where Goliath was memorialized. Additionally, sheep parts were dumped there after religious sacrifices and routine market-slaughter as well as typical city refuses (trash).

What a place. In the words of the late great Bette Davis: “What a dump!” Agreed, however, this is a very special place. It is the exact spot where we (the children of earth) were ADOPTED over two thousand years ago.


Covenants, like contracts and oaths were made on top of something practical (surety) and/or meaningful (symbolic) for both parties to the contract. Hang in there, this isn’t old world ‘legalese’ since it’s no different from what we do in the 21st Century, i.e., put up your car’s Pink Slip to get a cash loan; to ‘give your hand’ in marriage; or to “swear on your mother’s grave,” etc.

So, on top of this meaningful place (Golgotha), the blood-shedding guarantee was performed and vows were exchanged to detail the ‘terms and conditions’ of the promise [covenant, oath]; the contract was set: One perfect (sinless) human life is taken in exchange, so all other parties, now and forever, can go free from the damnation of Satan. That’s it. That is the deal.

The Adoption:

How come so many do not understand what Jesus came to do for humanity, but we fully understand the fine print and principles of those handy Pay-Day-Loans? Okay, moving right along: Back to Golgotha; to buy-back all the children of earth (virtual orphans), so they’d never have to submit to this supernatural mass-murderer’s rampage; we were adopted, and then signed on as Heirs in Jesus’ Last Will and Testament.

Our adoption took place on a Friday with many witnesses. Only one person (the Testator-Jesus) who had absolutely no contributing factors of guilt, stood as representative for the many at trial. His self representation was accepted; although he didn’t offer a self-defense and no one testified on his behalf. The deal was set and He was declared “Guilty.” They led the condemned Jesus (the perfect Lamb of sacrifice) outside of the city walls by way of the Sheep Gate.

When Jesus, the condemned representative for the whole human race arrived at the place of execution [Golgotha], a different type of execution simultaneously took place. The terms of a Divine contract was executed. The accused agreed to take all of the: Punishment, neglect, abuse, pain, suffering, sorrow, sickness, diseases and even death; upon Himself on behalf of the children of earth. In exchange, the perpetrator [Satan] must let the children of earth go free [now and eternally].

Terms and Conditions

Most contracts are executed on paper and sealed in ink. This Divine contract was a very special, irrevocable adoption contract; whose instrument was the live body of the man, Jesus (not paper); the seal was not a raised stamp, but nails pounded into His hands and feet; while the signature was not ink, but His very own blood.

Beneficiary Rights and Responsibilities:

So, from henceforth and forever until He comes: If we believe (with our heart) and confess (with our mouth) that Jesus is Lord; you are saved (Adopted). The terms of your adoption and inheritance as heirs to the covenant (contract), along with all its’ rights, privileges and responsibilities were set for eternity at Calvary [aka: “Skull”, aka “Golgotha”]. These rights are spelled out throughout the Holy Bible.


Just one little shepherd boy, David, demonstrated for all time; the catalyst and attraction of the Power of God to come to our rescue. The catalyst and attraction of the Most High is the same today as it was for David and as it was for our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ: It is by FAITH (Ephesians 2:8).

Be Blessed!

Scriptures: I Samuel, chapter 17, Matthew, chapters 26-28 and Romans, chapter 10, verses 8-13

**If you enjoyed this Cute Bunny Pic— visit the nice folks at:                                (caption supplied by TN Lighthouse Ministries)